In CBT therapy, we will examine the thoughts, emotions and beliefs that shape your behavior. And you'll gain new problem-solving tools that help you achieve your goals faster. My goal is to help you become your own best advocate which is a lifetime tool.

I am trained in both CBT and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy which can be useful in many ways:

* Learn to calm your nervous system and find your inner strength when anxiety and panic hit.

* Find tools to turn depression around and regain a more hopeful, positive mindset.

* Get help working through your emotions including those you may have packed away for years.

* Express yourself and find caring support for grief and loss.

* Gain education on our emotional lives and come to understand why you do what you do.

* Transcend feelings of abandonment and enjoy life from a standpoint of personal empowerment and a peaceful heart.

I am always passionate about helping you combat negative thoughts and limiting self-beliefs. You will challenge old ways of thinking and create a positive visualization for your life. 

I like working with people on codependency recovery. I have studied codependency for years and have led codependency recovery groups. If you find yourself stuck in a codependent relationship, CBT and recovery work can help you rise to the challenge of a new way of viewing yourself and your life.